If you’re looking for tips to hang ribbon on a Christmas tree like a designer, read on! These easy tips will help you create a more polished tree no matter what kind of design you’re doing!
Tip #1
Layer the Colors
Use multiple colored ribbon to create a pulled-together look with maximum design impact! Here, two shades of blue are used to echo the colors from the ornaments and drive home the blue themed Christmas tree!

Tip #2
Wired Tight
Wired ribbon is a must for maximum movement and precision. Look for ribbon that has a wired edge so that you can bend and shape it exactly as you want it. It will curve better, pinch better!

Tip #3
Size Matters
The width of the ribbon can totally change the look. Sometimes an override ribbon gives you the look you want. But on a small tree, it can also dward it. For a 7′ tree a 2″-3″ ribbon is fine. Any taller, use at least 5″ ribbon for scale. Having said that, you could also use two 2-3″ wide ribbon to get a wider look if that’s what you want, with added interest.

Tip #4
A Tailored Pinch
If styling ribbon on an artificial tree, you can use a branch to grab it for a pleat. But sometimes the branches aren’t in the right place, or don’t create a tight enough hold for a strong pinch. Use a wire to grip the ribbon and attach it to the brach. This creates a tighter pull to create full, voluminous loops than the limbs do.
Tie wire around ribbon two times pulling it very taught and twist it to hold.

Tip #5
Add in Sparkle!
Layering ribbon is a beautiful way to make a Christmas tree look professionally styled. If you don’t want to use multiple colors, use a mesh glitter ribbon to add some sparkle but let another ribbon’s color or designs shine through!

Tip #6
Stand Back!
When you’re having ribbon, every so often stand back and survey how it’s draping. Are you seeing areas that don’t look complete? Is it rotating around the tree at the angle you want it to? The beauty or ribbon is that you can manipulate it however you want, so keep taking breaks to see if you like how the fabric is covering the tree.

I like your design ideas, and your pictures are beautiful, but you really could use a proofreader. The typos are distracting from your beautiful work!
Totally fair! I’m a Mom to three, and this website is a hobby, so I often overlook many things I “should” do better! I always find mistakes and then run out of time to fix them! 🙂