My most “pinned pin” is of a Boxwood planter I found at Sea Island while on vacation. I took it as inspiration. I am forever snapping photos of flowers on vacation or when out and about to remember!
Recently, I’ve been adding boxwood hedges to various parts of our yard. Boxwood grows very slowly but once established and full in size they are glorious. Given this, they are very expensive. This is why I’m going one area at a time adding them!
Personally, I love to see boxwood cut in a more structural form. In these photos you’ll see how to use them as a beautiful hedge around an area. They do a nice job of adding that “picture frame” to your house or a special flower bed.
Additionally, I love to use them as the center showcase piece in container planters. However, with this you need to choose your variety, location and planter wisely. I foolishly planted mine once in black containers that received a lot of sun and wind exposure. They just baked in the full sun all day and were frozen in the winter by the cold wind blowing right over them all day. Plus, the black pot acted like a fire-pot cooking my beloved boxwood unit it died.
what type grows best?
In my experience, and in talking to the experts who help me with our landscaping, the Korean Boxwood is the hardiest. English boxwood are so fluffy and soft and delicious, but they are just too finicky and haven’t lasted for me. All of the boxwood I’ve been planting in the past years have been Korean and they look and grow beautifully if put in the right location. There are over 90 varieties, so it’s worth some conversations with your local nursery to find out what would work best in your climate and where you want to plant it.
caring for
Boxwood love full sun with afternoon shade and good drainage. They need regular watering.
If you’re buying them for a structured boxwood hedge line, keep in mind that when you put them in the ground, there will be space in between them for a while. After a year they will start filling in nicely and by year two they should start to look more like one unit. They grow slowly so patience is important, but worth the time!
Boxwood can be easily sheared to give them their structured shape. Because they grow so slowly you don’t have to do this often, but if you’re obsessive about their lines like me then it can be tedious work. It’s worth it though!
Every spring before it warms fully you will need to pocket prune them. Cutting little tiny holes throughout your boxwood will allow the light to get in there to ensure the you’re plant isn’t just growing at the very tips, but also from within the center to ensure a full, beautiful plant.
We are in pocket pruning season now in Atlanta so if you have some boxwood, now is a good time to start. Doing this will ensure your plant lives a good, long life! Don’t prune too early though. Because if winter isn’t over in your area, those new sweet baby boxwood leaves that will start growing can’t survive the cold.
Typically you should plant new boxwood in the fall, but I’ve always planted in the spring to good success. I just ordered a bunch more for a new area that I’m trying to tame and can’t wait to see them.
browning in winter
Mine sometimes get discolored in the winter but green back up. I have lost some tough in the planters because they just were too exposed to the air. If you’re using planters, the ones closest to the ground will work best so they are out of heavy exposed wind. They will stay green year round which is one of the reasons I love them in planters!
If you live somewhere where there is snow, do the best you can to dust giant piles of snow of them and don’t put them directly under a roof where snowfall will hit them hard all of the time. But these gorgeous plants will grow fine and withstand winter!
I’m sharing a few photographs of the St. Regis Atlanta exterior. I love the trellis hedge and have serious boxwood envy. Below are some of my planters from our home. When it warms up I’ll be sure to share photographs of how my boxwood hedges are progressing!
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create the look!

[…] says elegance like a large urn planter on either side of your front door, leading you right to the entrance of your […]