I know what you’re thinking, “A brown Christmas tree in my house, NEVER.” But hear me out! Going with a taupe themed Christmas, when done right, can really create a homey and rustic feel to your house. I love going into someones home and the first thing that comes to my mind is “so cozy.”
Using brown and gold Christmas tree decorations is a great way to achieve the warm and cozy feeling in your home even during the Christmas season. There’s no need to add tons of color during the Christmas season if that just isn’t your style. Instead try a more natural look with some gold and brown ornaments, maybe even thrown some wood ornaments or a wood star into the picture.
Top it all off with some white lights and a brown Christmas tree ribbon then step back and admire the gem you just made!
This brown Christmas tree ribbon was sold at Frontgate years ago and I scooped it up. One thing I’ve learned is that when you find what you love, you can’t wait to buy it – especially with Christmas decor – because there’s no guarantee it will be sold every year. I’m linking the closest taupe ribbon I could find here.
Christmas tree toppers can be hard. I typically use tree picks/sprays for my tree topper because I just like how they look at the top versus a traditional star. But I did discover this blue Christmas topper and absolutely love it. Tip: use a stick inside of it and tuck it inside the tree to help secure it!
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