Fig & Dove, if you haven’t heard of them they are a high end home decor designer. I will admit, their prices are high but you really can’t replicate the look their products give your home. Fig & Dove products carry a clean and minimal look but their products are so well designed they scream of elegance. They use a lot of detailed embroidery in their cloth materials and etchings on their glass materials. I’m in love with their holiday products (of course) which expands past Christmas to holidays throughout the year. Fig & Dove, if you’ve never seen them, you’re truly missing out!
The Fig and Dove Christmas stocking is one I get asked about each year. They – are – show – stoppers! The look can’t be replicated. Their stockings are made of silk satin. The ones I have are the Cream Nobilis Christmas stocking designed by artist Michael Savoia. The cuff has a gorgeous embroidery. The stocking is 22″ long and 16.5″ wide. I pair mine with the coordinating gold cream satin Christmas tree skirt and use their acrylic stocking holders. I also love that all of the Fig and Dove Christmas stockings are made in America.
The lucite stocking holders pair beautifully with the Fig and Dove Holiday decor line. I love how simple they are yet designer-elegant. They have a beautiful transitional mix – pairing beautifully with both traditional and modern decor. The acrylic block anchors the adjustable hook. I have the brass hook because I prefer gold for the holidays but it’s also sold in acrylic and nickel metal.
The acrylic stocking holder hold is 4″ x 4″ x 1″ and the metal hook is 3 1/4″ x 1/2″.
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