When my husband and I go on dates, the conversation sometimes turns to “what do you want to do when we grow old?” My answer has always been that I’d like to live in France and Italy each for a few months and take cooking classes from the finest chefs, and floral classes from true artists. Last night, I got a glimpse of what my retirement could look like by taking a Floral Design Tips class from a true artist, and it’s everything I dreamed it would be!
The designers at Le Jardin Fracais design for some of the most high-end weddings, homes and gardens in our beautiful city (and elsewhere – she’s big time!) Originally from Paris she grew up in the family business of floral design and entertaining. To watch her is like being in the presence of a master. To be in her boutique feels like stepping into a Parisian floral shop.
The class started with Marie-Laure, who owns Le Jardin Francais, putting together an arrangement while walking us through tips. At the same time she was creating a bouquet in a vase, another exemplary florist, Marion Sadeoux, assembled the French way of creating a bouquet. This is called a “bouquet rond” (or French hand bouquet) and it’s built in the hand, and tied before putting it inside a vase.
I was fascinated and couldn’t wait to learn their tips to creating beautiful flower arrangements and find out how they got them to live longer.
Here are the five key tips they shared that I’ve tested and have proven to work time and again.
Look at how Marion (another incredible floral designer) is holding this bouquet rond arrangement. Can you see how the stems are not touching, but rather flaring out as she forms the arrangement at the top?
RELATED: How to Keep Hydrangea Alive Longer
If you arrange properly, give your flowers clean and sharp cuts, and stay mold free, your flower arrangements should look beautiful longer. I’ve been using the tips Le Jardin Francais taught me for years and have had such success keeping my flower arrangements alive longer! What a beautiful evening it was.
She’s amazing some of the most beautiful floral arrangements I have ever seen