Fads and trends go in and out. Wallpaper has been one of them. So many friends come over and are surprised by how much wallpaper I’ve used throughout our home. Is wallpaper in style? Absolutely! I’m sharing some gorgeous simple mudroom ideas that incorporate grass wallpaper and a home office example that leaves no doubt to the question is wallpaper in style! When we moved into our home I wanted to start painting over dark colors used by the previous homeowners. We started remodeling room by room. Here are the results of two different rooms that dramatically demonstrate that wallpaper is very much back in style!
The former owners were Georgia Bulldog fans – what gave it away?! My intention was to lighten our entire house. Lighten, lessen and simplify. I don’t like “too much.” It’s probably because I have three kids and there’s so much stuff that goes along with that, but I like simple elegance. When I look at my house I need it to be pulled together and not cluttered with things. That’s just me.
the before
the after
This room has trim way past the reaching arms of little people, so we were able to do a gorgeous Grasscloth wallpaper. Grasscloth is spectacular, but not good for kids and crayons! It’s very delicate and not good for soil, water or scratches. Putting the grass wallpaper up high gave me the luxurious look I wanted, without the worry of ruining it. We also were able to get away without repainting the trim. The grasscloth wallpaper made it shine! Painting over dark colors can be achieved with good paint (I prefer Benjamin Moore) but wallpaper makes it even easier!
We did not touch the construction of our mudroom built in’s. They were perfect before, they just needed a face lift. New paint and new door pulls were added. The top area cabinets are for storage. I keep seasonal items up there. The middle area is the everyday hanging spot for backpacks and jackets. The bottom area is for shoes.
York Grasscloth, Asian Naturals, Pattern JL-171 | Trim: Sherwin-Williams Divine White
Is wallpaper in style? Let’s visit my second example! This is my home office before I remodeled room by room. It’s just off of the mudroom so I wanted to continue the effect of lightness. However, being that this was my office, I wanted to add a womanly touch and decadence.
the after
Harlequin Wallpaper, Collection: Indulgence, Pattern 60486 | Ceiling paint color: Benjamin Moore HC 146 Wedgewood Gray
interior design by Alicia Weaver Design
Changes to my home office:
If you’re looking for easy wallpaper installation, be sure to visit my post about how I used removable wallpaper.
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