Can we stop calling them high waisted mom jeans now?
Or if we do call them mom jeans, can we at least say admit they look one million times better than the low rise that showed your nether regions when you leaned over? Unsightly, friends. Very unsightly.
Take a look at my outfit – does this look like a mom jeans outfit? If you say, yes, then ouch! Ha! I personally am a fan of high waist denim and here’s why I think you should get on board!

They are much more flattering than you think
Have you ever tried on a good pair of leggings? Like Lululemon or Spanx? The high waisted versions go up over your soft spots (I’ll avoid the muffin top phrase best I can) to smooth them down and accentuate your womanly waist. The same is true with high waist jeans.
High waist = no spillage
No, I’m not referring to spilling your wine. Though, that’s very important to. That’s for another blog post.
Your chances of showing something to others you don’t want to show goes way down with waist high jeans. No chance of your booty being exposed, no stomach pouring over the front.
It’s all nice and neatly tucked in because that is none of anybodies business. Especially for those of us who have gained weight or had children and those soft parts are just part of life. You don’t need to know I have extra pounds – let that be my secret!
The feminine shape is back
It’s time we all embrace that we are woman and we are beautiful. Be proud to have curves. The high waisted jean lets you tuck in tops so you get that gorgeous hour glass effect even if you don’t have an hour glass effect!
My body shape is very up and down in my waist area. I don’t actually have a true waist. But I have the tiniest, itsibitsiest of an indentation at my waist that when I wear these jeans, tuck in a shirt suddenly voila – it looks like I do!
How to size
Praise the lord, this actually means a smaller size jean! Typically your jean size will be at least one size smaller than the older low-rise jeans you were wearing.
In my case it’s actually two sizes smaller! Have I lost weight? No. Not one single pound.
But because they sit higher on your hip my usual 27 is way too large and I get to wear a 25. Did you read that? I don’t know if I’ve ever worn a 25 size jean, even when I was a kid.
Side note, to error on the side of caution go one size smaller. Because you know – well, vacation and food.

Give high waist jeans a try. I’m sharing a few high quality jeans that are well priced here.
Personally, I think J.Crew denim gives you the best bang for your buck. I love mine! You’re still going to want that stretch for comfort so a good brand is still worth it.
Jeans are work horse wardrobe pieces anyway, so invest in these. Cool Mom, not a cool Mom, or not a Mom at all, you just might like them!

I always thought you size up for high rise. I’m usually 26 but I had to go up 2 sizes for my high rise 100 cotton jean. Just wondering