Thinking about Kyeblla? — Is Kybella Worth It?
Kybella is an Allergan product designed to melt fat away in the area it’s applied. Allergan is the same company that provides Botox (read my review about that here) and Juvederm filler (read that review here.)
In early 2016, I had a Plastic Surgeon inject my lower chin area to help sculpt my profile more. I’ve always naturally had a bit of a pooch under my chin.
Is it bad or noticeable to anyone but me? No. But since I’ve been on TV a lot in my life I have the joy (read: torture) of seeing myself in 360.
It’s an unnatural experience to see the way you look from all angles! So, I would see my profile and man, that pooch bugged me. I admit to being my own worst enemy.
The doctor told me it may take several treatments to see a difference, but because I had such a small amount of “pooch” to eliminate I may not need more than one treatment.
The average person does need three-four so it’s an investment.
After the 2016 injection I didn’t see a difference so I decided not to pay for more. I came to my senses that this wasn’t something I should focus on and pay for. Self-love is a journey, right?
I’m going to share my personal Kybella reviews with you including the effect I saw of bullfrog Kybella swelling (more on that later).
However, Allergan offered to gift me more treatments to see how it affected that chin area of mine. I had my second treatment in 2018.
Before and After Photos of my neck treatment
Left side image: Taken October 29, 2018, approximately 8 months after the first Kybella treatment.
Right side image: Taken April 26, 2019, six months afterward, to show results from the second Kybella bullfrog neck treatment.
Note: I do not have a profile photo before the first treatment, – but it’s pretty much the same as this!

My honest Kybella Reviews — Did it work for me?
In short, no. Not really at all. I’ll caveat that by saying I had an extremely small area to treat and it may be more skin than it is fat.
It may be 100% hereditary and not a true “problem” area that’s arisen. For now however, my verdict is that Kybella didn’t work for me.
Dr. Kavali, who administered the second treatment on behalf of Allergan, saw the photos. She commented “Kybella has great results with the majority of people treated with it. As with any product or procedure, there may be a small number of people who don’t respond as well. Thankfully, we have multiple ways to treat most concerns and a different approach will help meet goals.”
I am due for a third appointment just to see what happens, thanks to Allergan’s support of me trying the product.
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What Side Effects Should You Expect , including what I call Kybella bullfrog Neck
Besides the ones you can find on the website, I experienced major swelling which I called Kybella bullfrog neck.
You absolutely will look like a bullfrog for a solid five-seven day. So, do not, do not this before an event or vacation! Give yourself a week at minimum to allow the swelling to go down.
This terrible swelling lasted several weeks. It’s very uncomfortable and you don’t want to be around people. That’s the “downtime” they don’t talk about enough.
I also bruised in the area I was treated. Nothing makeup couldn’t cover, yet with how bloated my chin area was, I still didn’t want to be out and about anyway!
Ice helps with the swelling, but prepare for a bloated appearance only at first.
Is getting Kybella painful?
I don’t feel any pain when I get Botox or Juvederm. However, I do find the Kybella experience a little bit more intense.
After I get it done, I feel the need to lay down for a bit in the doctor’s office until the dizziness subsides. A little bit of sugar from a soda helps to sip on.
Is it super painful? No. I have a high pain tolerance though. It’s just a lot of needles and thicker ones so it makes me a bit dizzy.
The bullfrog Kybella swelling was slightly painful to deal with after, but it wasn’t terrible.
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Would I recommend it? My Official Kybella Review
Ehhhh…. I would say to meet with your doctor. Your situation may be a perfect candidate for Kybella. It may fix your “personal buggaboo” and you’ll be a happy, more confident camper.
I don’t think I’m the right candidate and therefore my vote shouldn’t count so much. To put it simply, Kybella didn’t work for me.
Visit with your doctor, talk to them about my Kybella reviews, and go from to answer the question is Kybella worth it for you.
What You Should Know About The Cost of Kybella
It ain’t cheap. Each average treatment costs roughly $750 per treatment and most people require two-four sessions.
Some offices offer packages to make the cost per treatment less. But, wow does it add up!
Every person chooses what to spend their money on, and if you’re ridiculously self-conscious about yourself, I absolutely advocate trying to remedy it.
Life is too short. If you can afford it, you deserve to feel good about yourself!
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How long between Kybella treatments should you wait?
I was given conflicting information on this from my two doctors. The first said about six to eight weeks. Dr Kavali said about four months. Again, talk to your doctor.
Dr. Kavali is a fantastic surgeon and I recommend contacting her for a consultation for any treatment.
Thank you, Allergan, for providing my second round of Kybella. I’ll be sure to update the post after I’ve received my third injection!
Wrapping Up My Kybella Review
Kybella is a product that, if you look at Web MD, statistically has an over 60% success rate. My personal Kybella review is it just wasn’t for me.
That doesn’t mean it won’t work for you! Do your research, talk to your doctors, check other Kybella chin reviews, get the info needed and make an evaluation to see if it’s going to be worth the investment for you.
I truly wish it would have been more successful for me, but it just wasn’t.

So did you get a third?