I’m skeptical of salespeople in general. I constantly question their motives. Do I really look good in this dress? Do I really need hair texturizer for volume? Is makeup primer necessary? And what in the world does lash primer do?!
I blog from my ever evolving point of view. I love to share my experiences because I’m interested in yours.
So while I remain on the fence about foundation primer, I am all in for lash primer to create thick lashes.
I’ve been using Urban Decay Subversion Lash primer for years along with my favorite Urban Decay Perversion Mascara. I’m obsessed.
Sometimes I want natural looking mascara, in which case I skip it. But when I want some oomph, Urban Decay Subversion Lash primer is 100% my go to!
Lash primer is makeup for eyelashes. It’s the Spanx under the dress. It’s the hair volumizer in your blow dry.
In this post I want to guide you through my last routine showing you how to use lash primer for maximum results!
You’ll be a pro in no time!
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ho hkl eh yiyy Do not let last primer dry before putting on mascara! You want your eyelashes a bit erh
Coat all of your lashes sweeping from side to side to make sure, over and under ensuring every lash is fully covered.
Quickly grab your mascara and coat that all over being sure to cover the white lash primer.
I like to then add extra mascara on the tips of my lashes to pull them up higher while it’s still wet! A little oomph, baby!
Lashes on the left side of the photo have mascara primer on and the my eye on the right just have mascara. Big difference right?
This is why, at least for me, it’s a no brainer to learn the importance of and how to use mascara primer!
Love this Kelly! You are such a beautiful woman. Your smile just lights up your face. Thanks for the tips on applying mascara. I’ve tried the Urban Decay primer just recently. Got it as a free sample at Ulta. I just love that place. I wasn’t sure if I saw a difference in my lashes or not. But looking at your picture with primer and without I can see that it makes a noticeable difference to apply the primer. It opens the eye and is really worth the extra step. I use “They’re Real” mascara by Benefit. I’ll also use Great Lash by Maybelline. I’ll have to try the Urban Decay mascara next time. Thanks for the scoope!
Pam, you are too kind. How do you feel about the primer? My Mother-In-Law just sent me an Estee Lauder primer that’s black. I’m excited to try it. If it’s black that may help to blend well, though I am still obsessed with my UD one! Do you like the Benefit mascara? I found it a bit too subtle for me but then I have very blonde lashes!