For Halloween 2015 I went as Maleficent. When I was young, I was Sleeping Beauty at Disney, so I thought it would be fun to play her arch-enemy! I used a Maleficent Halloween costume I bought pre-made. I had the best time doing the makeup! Sometimes I get carried away for Halloween! I’m sharing both my Maleficent makeup tutorial and a way to make a cheap maleficent costume. Really the only piece I think you need to buy is the headrests. A DIY Maleficent costume is really easy and easy to pull together!
There are two choices for a Maleficent Halloween costume look – the cartoon version or the Angelina Joie version. I went with Angelina because I loved her makeup!
Scroll through to put the entire Malefient costume together. Or scroll down to do a makeshift, DIY style Malefient! I used to be “very good friends” with Sleeping Beauty when I worked at Disney as a teenager, so I got such pleasure playing one of the best Disney Villains there ever was!
I wish I could show you my husbands costume from this year, but he said “absolutely not.” Ha! He was John McEnroe and looked hysterical. Our neighborhood stopped him all night to say he won best costume!
That’s it! Thoughts? Be sure to read this post on the easy DIY Mummy costume I created for our family last year!
Happy Halloween!
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