I woke up this morning after some very vivid dreams with words just fighting to get out of my brain and onto this blog. That happens to me on occasion, so I go with it. Truth be told, I type and then hit “publish.” I know I should wait a day and come back to edit it for clarity but I don’t. I furiously type and send out into the universe! Today I want to talk about social media and depression. And more than that, social media and self esteem issues. Super uplifting, right?!
Transparency is key in my life. It’s key with my family, my friends and with you as my readers. Blogs are funny things because you only get to know me through photos. It’s all a perception. I guess life is that way. They say first impressions last. I sort of hate that because people’s first impression of me usually doesn’t end up being their final one. Ask any of my good friends. Usually they tell me they either didn’t like me, didn’t get me or were confused by me until we had a really good talk! Then after that it became pretty clear their first impression was wrong and I’m just as lost as they are, a giant dork but I’m trying my best.
Here’s what I want you to know about me – I’m the girl most people immediately meet and usually aren’t too keen on. I can come across as guarded or way too straight forward. I share a lot and share it quickly which can overwhelm some people. Or I’m the girl people quickly judge as someone whose led a perfect life therefore they don’t like me – ha! That second part can’t be helped. That’s on you if you judge a book by it’s cover.
I am not the funny girl you call for a giant night of laughs. 🙂 Despite the pics I’m not the life of the party friend. But girl I’ll meet you on that dance floor when Whitney Houston comes on and we-will-shake-our-shit.
Why am I telling you all of this? Because I just read this article on the current state of depression, social media and self esteem and how social media and depression are deeply connected. The focus of the article is why being told to be happy or comparing ourselves to others is impeding our own happiness.
social media and self esteem
I can’t help but look inward and say “I”m not helping this social media and self esteem issue by posting all happy, perfect, pretty!” I wanted to share with you all that I have gone through a journey of depression, and still to this day take anti-anxiety medicine that helps me tremendously.
HOWEVER. And a big however here. I have zero patience for complainers. Zero tolerance for whiners. You don’t like your life? How are you changing it? Don’t like how you look? What are you doing about it? Don’t have friends? Go make some. Have no time? CREATE IT. Or deal with the few minutes you do have, accept it and make the most of them.
Ladies, we have so much power and so much control over ourselves. Look inward. I am forever looking inward (I am my biggest critic – ask my husband because it infuriates him how much I let others control my mental state) but through therapy, through long dates where I just talk and he listens or as I write in this blog I realize I’m the one responsible for my life. Me. Therefore YOU are too.
I’m blabbering I know. Here’s the bottom line – so much of life is a sham. The perfect house, the perfect kids, the perfect vacation – sham. My Dad once told me “no matter where you go, there you are.” You can’t be happy in that house, with those kids and on that vacation if you aren’t happy with yourself.
So, what are you going to do about it? How is social media and depression effecting you and what are you doing to fight it? I have my own plan (and this blog plays a giant part in it.) What’s yours?
I hope today you begin to look inward and not outward to others for why they “appear” to have it easier. Make your life your own best life. You deserve it. I send love and strength to you all.

Kelly, again thank you for your complete honesty and openness. It is what drew me to your blog in the first place, and with posts like this, continues to show us just how “real” you truly are. Thank you for that. Sending joy and strength back to you and wishing you a wonderful summer!!
Karen, thank you. I love sharing and wish more people shared their story. We could all live a little easier knowing we aren’t alone. Thank you for following, I hope you’ll help spread the word of my blog! xo, kelly