Guys, I feel stuck in a rut. I keep repeating to my poor husband “I need a break, I need a break.” But I’m not sure what I need a break from? I have a very nice life and so much to be thankful for. Which is why the guilt for wanting a break is almost competing with my want for a break! I’m a mess.
Right now I’m typing in a dark room before the sun comes up (it looks like it’s going to be a rainy day here in Atlanta.) I’m drinking my coffee, the kids are in school and my list of things to do today is so overwhelming I don’t know where to start.
I’m sure in about an hour after my coffee kicks in and the sun comes up (or not) I’ll wipe the “poor me’s” off and put on my big girl panties and get life handled. I love when my kids say being an adult is so fun. They think it’s amazing because we can stay up as late as we want and eat all the candy they want!
God Bless them they don’t yet understand dark under eye circles and cellulite. Please let them not know that world for a long time!
The truth is I need constant reassurance that putting myself out there on this blog is worth it. That’s the damn truth. I’m exposing so much and I wonder what for? Is it out of vanity? Os is it out of boredom? Is it our of loneliness that comes with adulthood? Or is it because I want to but I’m just afraid of the reaction?
I feel stuck in a rut with what to do next. I’m sure I’m not alone in that but it’s hard to not think you are when you’re in the hole.
So with this rant, I’m going to have a second cup of coffee, put on some pink lipstick and make some videos to share with you. I love making videos. So I’m going to put on music and try to remember life is pretty damn good, cellulite, under eye circles and all.
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