How to Create an Affordable Teal Girls Room
Finding the right girls bedroom decor can be sooo hard. Mainly because there are so many very cute ways to style girls bedroom decor!
My daughter is almost 14 years old. When she did her last bedroom refresh, we were doing a bedroom designed for a tween girl. She was 11 at the time.
Tween girl bedroom ideas are unique because she’s probably too old for Barbies, yet too young to really know her personal style yet.
When it came to sorting through tween girl bedroom ideas, she and I struggled a tiny bit because I wanted a room she could grow into.
She wanted to paint the walls, chairs, floor and everything in this apple green and I had a feeling she’d grow tired of the color – and she did. 🙂

Don’t Panic! We fixed it!
We are about to update her room again for the young woman she’s becoming, and I feel like she really knows herself and her style more.
I hunted around for some inspiration and created a board here to show her! It includes a teal kids rug, girls bedroom wall decor thats very affordable and more affordable girls bedroom decor ideas!
After showing her my ideas, she decided to go with my teal girls bedroom theme which made my heart sing. Anything to get rid of the awful apple green that was in there!
Everything here is sourced from Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart Home has some great, highly affordable products to search from!
They even carry some upscale home decor items — you can get a great look for an even better price. Perfect for when you are updating at these young ages when they are growing and changing so rapidly! Too rapidly for my Mommy heart!
Finding the Right Bedding & Lighting to Match a Teal Girls Room
What kind of Wall & Accent Decor Go with a Teal Girls Bedroom?
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